

That's all for now.
Certification NameIssuing Organization
React: Design PatternsLinkedIn
Full-Stack Web Development with React SpecializationThe Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Java Programming and Software Engineering Fundamentals SpecializationDuke University
Project Management Principles and Practices SpecializationUniversity of California, Irvine - The Paul Merage School of Business
Graphic DesignUniversity of Colorado Boulder
Introduction to UI DesignUniversity of Minnesota
R ProgrammingThe Johns Hopkins University
Visual Elements of User Interface DesignCalifornia Institute of the Arts
Cybersecurity FundamentalsIBM
Getting Started with AWS Machine LearningAmazon Web Services (AWS)
Introduction to AWS Identity and Access ManagementAmazon Web Services (AWS)
Introduction to Cloud IdentityGoogle Cloud - Minnesota
Introduction to Intel® Distribution of OpenVINO™ toolkit for Computer Vision ApplicationsIntel Corporation
Machine LearningStanford Online
Version Control with GitAtlassian
API Design and Fundamentals of Google Cloud's Apigee API PlatformGoogle Cloud (NJ)
API Development on Google Cloud's Apigee API PlatformGoogle Cloud (NJ)
API Security on Google Cloud's Apigee API PlatformGoogle Cloud (NJ)
Developing APIs with Google Cloud's Apigee API Platform - SpecializationCoursera
Dinosaur PaleobiologyUniversity of Alberta
Applied Deep LearningUdemy
Data or Specimens Only ResearchMassachusetts Institute of Technology
CSX Cybersecurity Fundamentals Certificate (CSXF)ISACA Trinidad and Tobago Chapter
Minecraft CodeMojang Studios
GraphQL with React: The Complete Developers GuideUdemy
Modern React with ReduxUdemy
React - The Complete Guide (incl Hooks, React Router, Redux)Udemy
Sequences, Time Series and PredictionDeepLearning.AI